Vinyl Price Increases
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- By Soundscapes
Effective January 7th, one of our largest vinyl suppliers raised the prices they charge us on over a thousand of their titles (we regularly stock a few hundred of them).
The price increases average about $5, but range from $3 to over $20 (for some LP box sets). Unfortunately, this means the prices we charge for this supplier's titles will increase a similar amount so be prepared for some sticker shock next time you go record shopping. Titles with price increases include those by Kendrick Lamarr, Tame Impala, Nick Drake, Marvin Gaye, Billie Holiday, Bob Marley, Roxy Music, Brian Eno, Blue Note records, and the list goes on and on...
Sorry! We wish we could absorb the increase but our own margins are already tight as it is. We, and all the musicians whose music we sell, thank you for your continued support!!