33 1/3: Short Books About Albums

It was only a matter of time before a clever publisher realized that there is an audience for whom Exile on Main Street or Electric Ladyland are as significant and worthy of study as The Catcher in the Rye or Middlemarch…The series, which now comprises 29 titles with more in the works, is freewheeling and eclectic, ranging from minute rock-geek analysis to idiosyncratic personal celebration
—The New York Times Book Review

A growing Alexandria of rock criticism
—The Los Angeles Times

Ideal for the rock geek who thinks liner notes just aren’t enough
Rolling Stone

These are for the insane collectors out there who appreciate fantastic design, well-executed thinking, and things that make your house look cool. Each volume in this series takes a seminal album and breaks it down in startling minutiae. We love these. We are huge nerds.

A brilliant series…each one a word of real love

Religious tracts for the rock ‘n’ roll faithful
Uncut (UK)

33 1/3 Series blog